New Update! V0.3 is here!

New version, new features!

First and foremost, this update is a bit rushed and does not have all the features I wanted in before posting. The reason for this is that life happens I will be taking a small break from working on this. If I do update anything, it'll be just the Recruits.xml so that the info is more likely to be accurate and helpful,

It's not all bad news though! The new features that are present should prove useful for completing collections and building teams.

The big new feature is the inclusion of tabs at the top used to help sort through the list of recruits.

  • The first tab is the familiar Recruit tab that includes all the data, sorted by recruit. Clicking the box for recruitment should be updating the filtered list as well.
  • The second tab is Locations. This allows you to see what group of recruits are available in each location.
  • The third, but won't be the last, tab is the Stats sheet. You can sort the recruit list by clicking on the appropriate stat title,
  • Any recruit selected on the Location or Stats tab will  be selected when you return to the Recruits tab so it's easier to continue learning.

I still plan on updating the tabs to include the Shrine categories and a sort-able list of Skills. Custom themes are something I still intend to do, but is not currently on my radar.

Also, thanks for the downloads! Good to see this isn't all for naught, haha. Feel free to share an ideas, complaints, wrong data, or bugs in the appropriate discussions.

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18 days ago

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